Monitoring and Configuration

You can monitor activity and manage configurations through the Mimic dashboard. The dashboard provides detailed insights and settings management options.

Enviroment explorer:

When you first access the dashboard, you will find an overview of the environment. Here, you can view the number of tasks completed in the last 24 hours and the activity per network over the last three months.


Afterwards, you'll come across the activity screen, which contains a detailed log of the actions performed in the environment. This log includes information about the tasks completed, the moment they were executed and the corresponding networks. Additionally, you have the option to filter this information by network using the control located at the top.

The displayed information is for the current day. If you want to change it, you'll find two buttons at the bottom of the page to view all activity from the past week and the current month.


On this screen, you can generate custom reports by specifying the time window you prefer. You'll have access to details such as total value swapped, number of completed tasks, task overview and more.


